Monday, February 12, 2018


Have you ever researched your views and position on the Holocaust? I recommend you do not if you are not the kind of person able to be challenged by some startling facts.

This is not to say there were not internment camps, nor is it to say even more precisely, that Jews were not the primary target of the internment/work camps by the Nazi party leadership but it is to say, that the videos to which I will link, are ambitious and formidable in some of the things they present which demonstrate valid disputes of the official narrative of 6 millions Jews being exterminated.

Why are people imprisoned simply for expressing disagreement in some countries? While it is ludicrous more importantly, it is indicative of someone or some group wanting so desperately to control the narrative of an event which speaks of deception, not honesty.

Also, why are those who ask questions not referred to as skeptics but "deniers" and other forms of defamation?

Let me be clear, I am not a denier nor a revisionist, I am a factualist. Give me the facts. It is requisite that one be willing to entertain ideas which are not their own and with which there may be controversy, even outright error claimed by experts.

This isn't to make one a fool rather, it is to enable that person to come to the truth.

In my mind, for example, I ask if God is real. Does God exist? I entertain the idea he does not so that I may answer that question. There is no fear in that if I am interested in the truth and in this case, I always find God not only exists but is immutably eternal and revealed so in the Bible. If I never entertain this idea then when it seizes me, because such doubt seizes us all at some point, I may find myself running from the answer and not to it seeing I have never been on this road.

I am going to post some videos from YouTube. Watch them. They all pose difficult questions. 

Some of the issues with the narrative of 6 million Jews being exterminated which I have observed in these Holocaust rebuttals are:

  • The various so-called gas chamber rooms were completely incompatible with Zyclon B usage for exterminating people based on design. 
  • The exaggerated claims of oven capacity and rate of burning corpses.
  • The lack of bodies or any remains or their artifacts on the acreage of the camps at which the claims of extermination are made (*not all camps were alleged exterminations camps, it is accepted by Holocaust defenders that not all camps were for extermination). The sheer numbers would require, even from the burning of bodies, volumes of human ashes and remains which are simply not found on the property, anywhere. The bodies seen in films are those who starved in the last year and were subject to disease in which they died. 
  • The significantly reduced number of those who died in Poland in the camps from 4 million to a bit over 1 million link here, Holocaust Dead Drop To 2.8 Million.  
So, here are the video links for your consideration:

Excellent 10 minute primer on the main issues from Thomas Dalton, PhD

David Cole in Auschwitz

Interview with Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson

Remember, I am only interested in facts. If you watch only one, watch the first and then feel free to offer commentary. Thank you and may God be glorified by the truth.